CSSNT-UPB Capabilities/Services:
- Atomic and nanometer scale morphological and structural characterization of micro-/nanomaterials and structures;
- Evaluation of electrical, thermal, optical and magnetic properties of thin films, oxide powders, ferroelectric and magnetic materials at low temperatures;
- Design and synthesis of carbon nanotubes, carbon nanoonions and graphene based nanostructures with applications in solar cells, biosensors, micro- and nano-electromechanical devices;
- Synthesis and manufacturing of novel nanostructured metallic and oxide materials, including nanoparticles, nanowires, thin films with applications in solar cells, batteries, hydrogen production through water electrolysis, micro- and nano-electronics;
- Evaluation of corrosion performance of various metallic materials and coatings involving accelerated laboratory tests;
- Complex physical-chemical characterization and testing of materials and devices
- Advanced optical and fluorescent characterization of soft, liquid or solid specimens;
- Evaluation of defects and contaminants in various metallic and non-metallic materials
- Environmental testing is recommended, to ensure the quality and reliability of the involved devices operating for an extended period of time in real exploitation conditions:
- thermal shock tests (to determine the ability of electronics devices/components to withstand sudden changes in temperature, according to JEDEC JESD22-A106);
- thermal cycling tests (to determine the ability of components and solder interconnects to withstand mechanical stresses induced by alternating high- and low-temperature extremes, according to JEDEC JESD22-A104E);
- endurance tests at specified temperatures and humidity for hundreds of hours (to assess how components, subsystems and complete systems behave in severe environments that involve elevated temperatures and high or fluctuating relative humidity, e.g., according to IEC publication 60068-2-30 );
- tests to assess other environmental effects such as the presence of aggressive species (depending on the application area), e.g., Cl-, S^2-, SO2, etc.
- New testing procedures and criteria will be jointly developed for every new component, taking into account the specific inputs provided by the involved industrial partners (Technology, Components, Smart Object)
- The following steps will be taken into consideration:
- design for testing;
- set the testing strategy, e.g., identifying testing points;
- establish Range of Acceptable Device Performance (Proper PASS/FAIL limits for test results);
- performing tests:
- parametric testing (definition of parameters, proper selection of test points, parametric test structures);
- testing during assembly;
- final testing;
- testing during use.
- advanced electrical, magnetical and optical characterization and testing of device or components, e.g., thin films, within large temperature range (1.6K to 700K) and within large magnetic fields (-9T to +9T).
UPB-CSSNT equipment capabilities