AFM-IR (VISTA-IR) system enables a novel/unique SPM based method, namely Photo-induced Force Microscopy (PiFM), that combines high resolution AFM with ‘IR spectroscopy’, being coupled to a widely tunable mid-IR Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) with a spectral range of 760 to 1905 1/cm and a wavenumber resolution of 0.5 1/cm. AFM-IR is capable of imaging, simultaneously with sample topography the chemical properties (IR spectral imaging) with spatial resolution below 10nm, and also to provide ‘nano-FTIR’ spectra by precisely measuring the near-field optical response of the sample via mechanical detection. The PiFM method works equally well with both organic and inorganic materials.
Besides AFM-IR, the system is capable of other SPM techniques, such as:
- Dynamic (Topography, Phase Contrast Imaging);
- Contact (Topography, Lateral Force Imaging);
- PiFM/AFM-IR (Topography correlated chemical imaging at specific wavelengths with sub10nm spatial resolution; PiF spectroscopy for ‘nano-FTIR’ spectra);
- Hyperspectral imaging (3D data acquisition of IR spectra on each image point; up to 512 x 512 spectra);
- SPM methods to test the electrical properties (Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM), Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM), Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy (C-AFM))
- Force Modulation;
- AFM Spectroscopy (Force-Distance curves, I-V curves);
- F-d imaging (adhesion mapping, stiffness mapping – up to 512×512 curves);
- scattering Scanning Nearfield Optical Microscopy (sSNOM)/combined PiFM-sSNOM;
Note: The AFM-IR System, is mounted on an active vibration isolation table for best noise performance. The whole system is housed in a temperature controlled acoustic chamber for lowest thermal drift which is also equipped with a dry-air filtration system to provide quiet, clean and water absorption free operation.