NANOCOATIL aims to develop novel strategies and products with advanced corrosion resistance and high performance metal surfaces from eutectic solvents ionic liquids. Cr/Ni/Co alloys with Mo, V, metal-carbon nanotube composites and ordered nanoporous/nanotubes oxide layers onto Al, Ti, Nb, Ta will be prepared. The use of eutectic solvents ionic liquids will allow introducing safer and more efficient production processes with predicted impact both in environmental issues and in SME…

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SPFM technologies in ionic reactions of soil residual solutions and production of carbon nanotubes nanocomposites for energy and environmental applications (SPFM-LA)

  SECTORIAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAM FOR THE INCREASE OF ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS “Investments for your future” PROJECT: SPFM technologies in ionic reactions of soil residual solutions and production of carbon nanotubes nanocomposites for energy and environmental applications (SPFM-LA) Project co-financed through the European Fund of Regional Development PRIORITY AXIS 2: RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION FOR COMPETITIVENESS 2.1.2 Operation: “High-level scientific R&D projects that will be attended by specialists from abroad”   For detailed…

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