- Coordinator:University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Center for Surface Science and Nanotechnology (UPB-CSSNT);
- Team Leader:ing. Liana Anicai, lanicai@itcnet.ro; liana.anicai@cssnt-upb.ro
- Partner 2: University of Porto, The Faculty of Sciences, (FCUP);
- Team Leader: Fernando Silva, afssilva@fc.up.pt
- Partner 3: MIBATRON SRL Bucuresti (Mibatron)
- Team Leader: Chem.Eng. Stefania Costovici, stefania_costovici@yahoo.com; viorel.popescu@mibatron.ro
- About
- Services
- „Products”
- Projects
- Jobs
- Laboratories
- Advanced Electronic Microscopy
- Advanced Atomic Force Microscopy
- Micro-Raman, nano-optics and nano-spectroscopy
- Structural and Chemical Characterization
- Mass Spectrometry
- Spectroscopy
- Electrochemical micro- and nanostructured coatings
- Thin Films
- Micro and Nanolithography
- Electrical, Optical and Magnetic measurements at low temperature
- Solar cells, MEMS and chip evaluation and testing
- Carbon based nanomaterials synthesis
- Specimens Preparation
- CSSNT Events
- Contact
- English