Integrare Eterogena pentru Conectivitate si Durabilitate
Duration: 36 luni
Start and end dates: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2025
Number of partners: 64
Total budget: € 102,134,399
EU contribution: € 24,655,938
Project type: European, Chips JU, POCIDIF
RO Coordinator: CSSNT-UNSTPB
Project Director RO: Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Marius ENACHESCU
Email: marius.enachescu@cssnt-upb.ro
Project description
The HiCONNECTS project develops the next generation of electronic components and systems heterogeneous integration core technology solutions for energy-efficient, high-performance wireless / wired cloud and edge computing and automotive radar in support of the next radio frequency and IT technology evolution.
HiCONNECTS aims to bring the computing and IT infrastructure in Europe to the next level by focusing on the development of heterogeneous integration of integrated circuits, discrete and photonics technologies into a system in a package, increasing technological reliability and efficiency. The HiCONNECTS project will enable both wired / wireless networks and edge / cloud data centers of the future to operate with high performance and reliability, increasing overall energy efficiency.
1. InP based devices
2. SiPh devices
3. Advance packaging
! UNSTPB participates in activities from all 3 PILOT LINES
HiCONNECTS consortium
HiCONNECTS is a consortium of 64 partners from 15 countries, consisting of start-ups, SMEs and large companies in the microelectronics industry, as well as research organizations and universities, such as UNSTPB.
HICONNECTS covers the entire semiconductor value chain, from design to manufacturing.
More info about the project can be found here: https://www.hiconnects.org/