Component 9 Support for the Private Sector, Research, Development and Innovation
Investment 8 „ Developing a program to attract highly specialized human resources from abroad in
research, development and innovation activities”PNRR/2022/C9/MCID/I8
The Project Title: “Novel Graphene/metal composites as advanced catalytic
systems in the hydrogen based energetics”
Beneficiary: National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA

The project objective: The development of new family of catalytic systems
applicable in the energy related electrochemical processes, including their use
for electrolytic hydrogen production as well as in the PEM hydrogen fuel cells.
The main practical goal will be the total or partial replacement of expensive noble
metals by cheaper and readily available alternatives. The new catalytic systems will be
based on transition metals supported by a hybrid RGO-CNTs carbon matrix. Among the
considered metals will be Ni, Co, Cu and their combination with each other and with Pd,
and Pt, used in the content of <3%. The novelty of this approach is the unique
structure and morphology of the catalytic systems to be synthesized and tested.
The simple but efficient synthetic protocols, proposed by the Project Director in
his previous research, will be further developed in this project to fabricate broad range
of metallic species on the RGO surface. The implementation of this project will
contribute to the enlargement of knowledge in this field at the University POLITEHNICA
of Bucharest – Center for Surface Science and Nanotechnology (UPB-CSSNT).

The project total value: 6 999 996 RON (1,418,669 EURO)
Completion deadline: 30.06.2026
The project code: CF 27/14.11.2022

PNRR. Funded by The European Union – NextGenerationEU;
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