14 Anstrom CMOS IC technology

Duration: 36 months

Start and end dates: 01.12.2022 – 30.12.2025


Number of partners: 24

Total budget: € 94 640 401,81

EU contribution: € 21 859 931,81

Project type: European, Chips JU, POCIDIF

RO Coordinator: CSSNT-UNSTPB

Project Director RO: Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Marius ENACHESCU

Email: marius.enachescu@cssnt-upb.ro

Project description

Microchips constantly evolve to meet requirements for more powerful computing systems. The EU-funded 14ACMOS project aims to develop solutions for the 1.4 nm process technology node. Project activities address four key pillars: lithography, metrology, mask-infrastructure and process technology. Lithography solutions will be pushed to meet 1.4 nm capability, and extreme UV plasma physics will be studied to optimise optics transmission and lifetime. In the metrology pillar, advanced methods will be developed to improve measurement sensitivity and uncertainty and assess reticle degradation introduced by extreme UV light. Mask-infrastructure will cover the development of mask repair strategies based on particle removal technology and assess durability. Process technology involves the development of patterning solutions, active device selection and new interconnect technology, which are suitable for the 1.4 nm technology node.

! UNSTPB participates in metrology activities studying mask degradation and mask infrastructure.

14ACMOS consortium

14ACMOS is a consortium of 24 partners from 8 countries, consisting of start-ups, SMEs and large companies in the microelectronics industry, as well as research organizations and universities, such as UNSTPB.

More info about the project can be found here: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101096772