Center for Surface Science and Nanotechnology University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (CSSNT-UPB)




  • Physics, chemists, engineers graduates students
  • Physicists, chemists, engineers master students
  • Physicists, chemists, engineers PhD students
  • Physicists, chemists, engineers postdoc


CSSNT-UPB focuses its research on surfaces and interface science, nanomaterials (synthesis and characterization), nanotechnology and nano-devices. The CSSNT-UPB Laboratory is equipped with “state of the art” equipment and CSSNT-UPB controls several advanced atomic and nanometric materials investigation techniques. CSSNT-UPB has recently completed a major investment by realizing the most advanced research institution in the field, having also two unique laboratories in Europe (

The salary will be determined after the interview, depending on the qualifications and work schedule.

In order to apply or for any other information please contact us at: