Project title: “THIN but Great Silicon 2 Design Objects”

Acronym: THINGS2DO

Project type: European project


THINGS2DO is a Pilot Line project. The concept of Pilot Line is to gather players eager to bring innovation for a successful introduction of products into the market. For complex digital and mixed signal technologies, this product introduction cannot be only based on a technical facility/infrastructure able to integrate technology and design demonstrators.

It also remains on:

  • the capacity to gather competencies,
  • to put designs together, and
  • the ability to demonstrate real applications through embedded software integration.

In THINGS2DO, the innovation is to use and fully exploit 28nm and 14nm FD-SOI CMOS technology platforms developed within the ENIAC KET Pilot Line project PLACES2BE, to explore a large set of society critical applications.

THINGS2DO relies on two concepts respectively named “Solution Hive” and “Virtual Design Hub”. Both are going to offer a cooperative environment between partners to speed up the process from technology to applications, and to enable more demonstrations of innovations triggered by FD-SOI.