• Electron -beam lithography (EBL) is one of the key fabrication techniques which allows the creation of different patterns at the micro- or nanoscale.
  • The EBL principle is simple and very similar to photolithography: a photosensitive polymer (different types of PMMA for example) changes its chemical properties according to the effects of the light generated by the interaction with the electron beam. The photosensitive polymer can be positive or negative. After the areas are exposed, either by removing the non-exposed polymer using different methods and this constitutes the positive approach or only the exposed areas are removed.
  • A typical sample preparation procedure is:
    • cleaning in warm acetone (45–50 °C for 5 min)
    • rinse in cold acetone quickly followed by rinse in isopropyl alcohol
    • blow dry under nitrogen
    • resist deposition and baking
  • The EBL software ensures the separation of the patterns in different writing fields, if so required, and automatically moving the stage in the required positions.
  • Compact system architecture with small footprint